A downloadable game

Hello and welcome!

This is the download page for Departed.

Check the trailer below!

A billboard made by the artist Meriam! Winter time.


  • About the game: Departed is a passion project. Since it was part of an assignment, the current build was developed in 2 months circa. It will receive constant updates until the game will be fully released. Feedback is more than welcome! Also, don't worry about spoiling the story for yourself; it is very likely it will change at the end of the project
    • Description: Make your way through the 4 seasons while the narrative unfolds in front of you. You could decide to sprint directly to the end, but you will be rewarded if you explore thoroughly. The ending changes depending on… Well, explore to find out!

  • About the people behind Departed: This game is a passion project. It was advertised and promoted by Meriam Touati and developed by Giacomo Mazza. You can have a chat with us here - Twitter: Meriam & Giacomo. Instagram: Meriam & Giacomo.

  • When will Departed be fully ready? The deadline for the project is yet to be announced. Development is in progress.

Thank you for downloading the project. Visit us on Instagram and Twitter to know more about the game.

Development log